Monday, April 28, 2008

Court case: android head of Philip K. Dick lost

  • This wonderful legal document, David Hanson and Hanson Robotics vs America West Airlines, is well worth the read. It involves the loss of "an artistically and scientifically valuable robotic head modeled after famous science fiction author Philip K. Dick" on a flight from Texas to San Francisco.
    Throughout this document are wonderful passages that deviate from the usual dry legal speak. My favourite: "Perhaps because he had just woken up, Plaintiff lacked the total recall to remember to retrieve the Head from the overhead bin."
    The judge found for the Defendant.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Postcard Archive - 7. Eda the dog

  • Well, I never really meant to turn this into a postcard-only blog. Which means that I should make an effort to post other things too, I suppose. But that having been said:
    Back reads: Edy (c) Antonin Maly 1987. Emotifs a division of Catch Publishing, P.O. Box 9054, 3506 GB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
    Sent to A- and G- in Johannesburg.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Postcard Archive 6 - Paris

Just a standard touristy type postcard of Paris. Can't remember how I originally got it.
Wording on the back reads "PARIS. Depuis la place de la Concorde, perspective vers la Tour Eiffel. Photo F. Dunouau"
Sent to my nephew S- in Cape Town.
Note: It looks like the photographer is Franck Dunouau. I couldn't find a specific web page for him.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Postcard Archive - 5. Wave Hill

Text on the back of this one: "Wave Hill was once the estate of George W. Perkins, who was instrumental in preserving the Palisades, seen across the river. The 28-acre public estate overlooks the Hudson River at W. 249th Street and Independence Avenue in the northwest Bronx."
Sent by my pal J- in NYC.

Recommendation: Possessed by Martin Hampton

  • I'd like to strongly recommend the short documentary 'Possessed' by Martin Hampton. Four compulsive hoarders show their apartments and talk about their condition. It is really very moving. The film can be viewed on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Postcard Archive - 4. St. KIlda

Touristy type postcard of St. Kilda. Images are listed as (1) Luna Park, (2) Ackland Street, (3) St. Kilda Beach, (4) Tram on Ackland Street.
Sent to me by postcard trading chum Z-.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Anasazi World - Dewitt Jones and Linda Cordell

  A photo book with text by Linda Cordell. Brief as the text was, I enjoyed it a lot more than the photography. Though many of the photos we...