Hluhluwe Rhino 1
Originally uploaded by Alhazred
Back in Cape Town after a week visiting my friend Gavin in Richard's Bay. Here's a rhino that I saw a couple of days ago at the Hluhluwe National Game Reserve.
Back in Cape Town after a week visiting my friend Gavin in Richard's Bay. Here's a rhino that I saw a couple of days ago at the Hluhluwe National Game Reserve.
We spent this weekend at a cottage in the Bonnievale area, along the Breede River. Ah, so relaxed.
Well, this one is obviously not from my SA trip - I just felt like blogging it. Pity it isn't a bar in Cape Town - Castle is pretty good, but one craves variation sometimes. (It's from the Rogue Brewery in Newport, OR.)
Should be viewed large so that the text can be read.
Yesterday we went for a driver up the West Coast, getting as far north as Yzerfontein, where we stopped and had tea on the rocks. Nice day, though a bit windy.
On the way back we went through the interior, having a late lunch at Evita's in Darling, from whence this picture came.
Here is a fine specimen of Phylica ericoides. Yes, we spent yesterday at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, jewel of Cape Town. With it being the off season, it was not too crowded and I was happy and contented.
Yesterday's itinerary was visiting the Rasta guys on Long Street for more Buchu, and a couple of museums. This one is from the District 6 Museum, and shows Adam and Tahir Levy posing for the camera. He was an animated chap, full of opinion and anecdote.
We also visited the Michaelis Collection, which was enjoyable as always.
A photo book with text by Linda Cordell. Brief as the text was, I enjoyed it a lot more than the photography. Though many of the photos we...