Sunday, November 19, 2017

Stuff I Collect - Militaria

Stuff I Collect - Militaria

  1. WW2
    1. WWII First 1st Allied Airborne pin
    2. OPA ration token (1 blue)
  2. WW1

WW1 Pin - Shipyard Volunteer Pin

WW1 Pin - Shipyard Volunteer Pin

Stuff I Collect - Militaria

Labelled "Shipyard Volunteer". Reverse: "Whitehead & Hoag Co. Newark,NJ"

There is a nice history of the Whitehead & Hoag Company by a guy called Ted Hake on this page.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Stuff I Collect - Tokens

Stuff I Collect - Tokens

Guatemala Farm Tokens

Farm Token “Z”

G. Boy Zambo (Costa Grande)


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Stuff I Collect - Postcards

Stuff I Collect - Postcards

  1. Oregon Coast Motels

    1. Astoria
      1. Lamplighter motel
      2. Lee City Center Motel

        This motel is still in business as the Astoria Rivershore Motel. Kirsten and I used to stay there when we visited Astoria. But a night of Yelling Guy in the next room ended that.
    2. Delake
      1. Cosy Cove Motel Apts
  2. Other motels

    1. Lake Wales, FL. Sands Motel
  3. 1968

  4. Hotel

    1. New Orleans. 1939. Hotel New Orleans
  5. Portugal

    1. 1953 Queluz National Paris
  6. New Mexico
    1. 1967 Red River

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Stuff I Collect - Business and Calling Cards

Stuff I Collect - Business and Calling Cards

  1. Illinois

    1. Northwestern Grocery, Edison Park, Chicago, 1940s
    2. Joubert Jacobus, Millstadt, Illinois, circa 1900

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Stuff I Collect - Ancient Coins

Stuff I Collect - Ancient Coins

  1. Rome
    1. Antioch IC IX 67d Γ, cross Arcadius, AE4, Antioch. AD 383-293. DN ARCADIVS PF AVG (no break), pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / SALVS REI-PVBLICAE, Victory walking right, holding trophy over shoulder, dragging a captive behind her. Cross in left field. Mintmark ANT gamma. RIC IX Antioch 67d; Sear 20852. I think it is anyway. I don't know much about ancient coins yet. Identity based on reading of

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Anasazi World - Dewitt Jones and Linda Cordell

  A photo book with text by Linda Cordell. Brief as the text was, I enjoyed it a lot more than the photography. Though many of the photos we...