Tuesday, October 16, 2018

RuneQuest mention - San Francisco Examiner, 17 April 1979

Here is a clipping from the San Francisco Examiner of 17 April, 1979. It mentions RuneQuest, Greg Stafford, and Chaosium.

Click here to for a full size version (flickr). Pity the second page didn't scan so well on newspapers.com

Some things that stood out:
  • It made the front page! Sweet.
  • The article also mentioned Bunnies & Burrows and Tunnels & Trolls! Ha! Those were the days.
  • They quote Gary Gygax as saying that 30,000 people play "fantasy games."
  • The GM was Charlie Krank.
  • A lovely bit of RuneQuest style combat:
    "...That's a hit with a broadsword. I parried and you hit me." declared Albany High School Sherman Kann.
    "He's holding on to your leg." Krank told Stafford as a tiny metal figure representing Taustig was toppled. "Her left leg is gone."

    So good.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Postmark Calendar - 14 October

Originally posted in The Stamp Forum's Postmark Calendar thread.

Posted on 14 October 2014 in Portland, Oregon, this extremely valuable cover shows numerous examples of the ultra rare Inverted Kitty error. Only a handful of sheets of the Inverted Kitty were distributed, most of which were destroyed once the error was discovered. It seems that "Friends of 4449" must have purchased one of the few sheets that slipped through the cracks, and made liberal use of these stamps on this now highly desirable cover.

The Friends of 4449 is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the preservation of locomotive SP4449:

SP 4449 was built in 1941 as a GS-4 “Northern” type locomotive. A 4-8-4 wheel arrangement. Retired to static display at Oaks Park in 1958, most thought SP 4449 would never run again.
In 1974, she was selected to pull the American Freedom Train throughout the United States, and was subsequently rebuilt. SP 4449 ran for three years to the delight of over 30 million people. She is arguably one of the most beautiful locomotives ever built.

Anasazi World - Dewitt Jones and Linda Cordell

  A photo book with text by Linda Cordell. Brief as the text was, I enjoyed it a lot more than the photography. Though many of the photos we...