Thursday, June 28, 2007

Greg's Top 10

  • In the Fortean Times, Greg Bishop and others give their Top 10 UFO stories. I particularly like his no. 7:
    7. Herbert Schirmer – Ashland, NB, USA, 1967.
    Patrolman encountered a landed craft-like object on a lonely stretch of highway and saw it take off. Regressive hypnosis by Dr Leo Sprinkle elicited an encounter with apparently friendly beings who showed him around the craft and left him with this piece of wisdom: “We want you to believe in us, but not too much.”
    I think that's the best advice for any UFOlogist. Or magician for that matter.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Brief notes and the Slingshot

  • I visited Free Geek for the first time today, to drop off a monitor for recycling and to give a donation. A most excellent organization.
  • My favourite xkcd comic yet.
  • More often than not, Scott and I head out for a beer after the gym. Since it's right across the street, we've lately been going to the Slingshot Lounge. I recommend it because:
    - the clientele is a laid back bunch. And the doofus factor is very low.
    - it has low lighting. Very relaxing after weights.
    - it has a nice kitty that sometimes comes and says hi.
    - there is an excellent jukebox, that even includes two Bad Brains CDs
    - and there are big photos on the walls of excellent yakuza tattoos.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

FIFA rankings

  • I see that FIFA have published their latest World Rankings. South Africa's position is unchanged at 57. USA up 13 places to no. 16 in the world.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Belmont Pearl

  • We tried out the new Belmont Pearl last night and... it was damn good. The grub was excellent (I had a pepper beef thingy), the staff was cute and attentive, and the prices are fine. I highly recommend it.

Anasazi World - Dewitt Jones and Linda Cordell

  A photo book with text by Linda Cordell. Brief as the text was, I enjoyed it a lot more than the photography. Though many of the photos we...