Saturday, June 23, 2007

Brief notes and the Slingshot

  • I visited Free Geek for the first time today, to drop off a monitor for recycling and to give a donation. A most excellent organization.
  • My favourite xkcd comic yet.
  • More often than not, Scott and I head out for a beer after the gym. Since it's right across the street, we've lately been going to the Slingshot Lounge. I recommend it because:
    - the clientele is a laid back bunch. And the doofus factor is very low.
    - it has low lighting. Very relaxing after weights.
    - it has a nice kitty that sometimes comes and says hi.
    - there is an excellent jukebox, that even includes two Bad Brains CDs
    - and there are big photos on the walls of excellent yakuza tattoos.

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