Sunday, March 30, 2008

Face Rock - Bandon

Face Rock - Bandon
Originally uploaded by Alhazred

Postcard Archive - 3. Havasu Falls

Havasu Falls. The back reads "Deep in the Grand Canyon, Havasu Creek flows the the Indian village of Supai and then makes five spectacular drops over travertine terraces. The lovliest [sic] of these is Havasu with its split veils leading into the blue-green pools below. Here, Indian children enjoy its cool, clean waters.
A western ways color photo by Ray Manley."
Older card. The place where one would put a stamp reads "Only 3 cents postage required." I would hazard a guess that these days one would be likely to find Havasu Falls crawling with tourists.
Sent to J- in Florida.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Postcard Archive - 2. Antonio Piccioli flowers

By the Italian Antonio Piccioli (1794 - 1942). Fro, left: Passiflora holosericea, Pelargonium tetragonum, Orchis rubra.
Sent to me by J- in NYC.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Postcard Archive - 1. Choir of the Lions

Choir of the Lions by Okinawan artist Bokunen Naka. Sent to me by my friend P- in Los Angeles

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Love it or hate it

  • "You either love it or you hate it." You often hear this trite phrase said by afficionados of a certain work, and it is usually crap. The implication is that the work is so profound that one's reaction to it is extreme, one way or the other. And that just ain't the case. I've never known any work, be it music, film, or whatever, that had some that loved it, some that hated it, and a vast majority in between that more or less liked it to varying degrees.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Blood in ye olde Kiss comics

  • When I was a young teenage headbanger, I loved KISS. The music was heavy (for the time) and the theatrics were entertaining. I grew to like them less as time went on, but still consider Kiss Alive and Kiss Alive II pretty good live albums.
    Then after listening to the infamous Fresh Air interview with Gene Simmons, I just gave up on him as an obnoxious twit.
    I saw an interesting piece of trivia today, though. Talking about the 1977 'Marvel Super Special' comic, which features a superpowered KISS, the io9 blog notes that the actual members of the band mixed in drops of their blood with the printing ink for that issue...
    Of course, they probably did it for the publicity. But even so it is a rather interesting magickal act.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Keeping track of everyone

  • Wowsers.
    I primarily use the multitudes of social networking sites out there to find lost friends, keep track of current ones, and to not lose touch. Spokeo, which I have just started playing around with, seems like an amazing tool to accomplish this. It is both scary and impressive.

Anasazi World - Dewitt Jones and Linda Cordell

  A photo book with text by Linda Cordell. Brief as the text was, I enjoyed it a lot more than the photography. Though many of the photos we...