Sunday, May 25, 2008

Postcard Archive - 8. Yachats Breakers

The card itself is actually shaped like the state of Oregon. I am not to great at using GIMP, and didn't take the time to cut out the superfluous bits of the graphic after I scanned it.
On the back:
Oregon - Yachats Breakers
The sight of the Pacific breakers slamming into rugged shorelines is one reason the Oregon coast is such a popular sightseeing destination. Here, thrift blooms frame the foreground as a large wave smashes into lava rocks at Yachats. Known as one of the best spots along the coast to view migrating grey whales just offshore, Yachats has much to offer, as well.
Oregon Die-Cut Cards
Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No part of this product or other ODCC printed matter may be reproduced in any form by an means - including die-cutting. [Hmm... well, I will remove this if the copyright holders ask.] This product may not be incorporated into, or with, any item for resale without permission of Azcam Enterprises.
Azcam Enterprises - P.O. Box 1019 - Bonner, Montana 59823-1019
Sent to my sister M- in Cape Town.

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