Wednesday, August 24, 2022

2022.08.24 - links


Barbara Eden born 23 August 1931 []
Includes a link to her 1967 album in the comments.

Skull Study May Offer Insights Into Hominin Interbreeding []
“Neanderthals had big faces,” Churchill explained.


League Cup Round 2
Tranmere 1 Newcastle 2 [youtube highlights]
Not that impressive from the NUFC B team. Wood finally scores. The lads are going to be at home to Crystal Palace in the 3rd round.


Some of the stuff I heard today.

I'll Be With Thee - Jerry Garcia Band [youtube]

Sunday, August 21, 2022

2022.08.21 - Sunday misc crap: a hummingbird, disposition of sleepy cats, etc



Sleepy cats don't give a fuck. An admirable quality.


USA. 1968. 6c. Marquette and Joliet. Scott 1356


The highlight of the day happened around 07:00 when I poked my head out the door. A hummingbird was feeding on the railing flowers. I wasn't quick enough to get a photo, but here is one that shows what the railing garden looks like.
I'll try and keep at least some of the flowers going. Unfortunately when it comes to gardening I don't know what I am doing. But I love seeing the hummingbirds.


Continued their unbeaten start to the season with an exciting 3-3 draw with Man City. Youtube highlights.


Possible Use for Australia’s Ancient Boomerangs Tested []
...a  new experimental study suggests that Australia’s Indigenous communities may have used boomerangs made of hardwoods to shape the edges of stone tools.

Sunday, August 07, 2022

New Philosateleian Post local stamp

 The local post Philosateleleian Post, now out of Floresville, TX, has just released a new stamp (blog\press release). It's quite nice looking.

I picked up a Wired Magazine for the first time in quite a while and started reading it. It's pretentious crap.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Links 2022.04.24


Misc Links

“If it's confirmed that some of these rats were actually from as far away as the central Mediterranean islands –what this really means is that there was a lot more communication, shipping, exchange, and trade happening during this period that is primarily depicted as just army and naval battles,”


Futility Closet ep3 (2014.03.31)

In 1926, a woman named Lillian Alling grew disenchanted with her life as a maid in New York City and resolved to return to her native Russia. She lacked the funds to sail east, so instead she walked west — trekking 6,000 miles alone across the breadth of Canada and into Alaska.
Also: a menu from Paris, 1870, during the Prussian siege. Much exotic meat on the menu, which unfortunately came from the zoo.

Part of the Jack Web Centennial series. A woman (Bonita Granville) reflects on her life after death in “The Road to Yesterday”. In “the Gift of Life,” a taxi driver (Jack Webb) tries to help a widowed new mother (Jane Wyatt) and give her some difficult news.

The story of the wreck of the Laurel on Peacock Spit near Astoria in 1929. Most of the crew were rescued, albeit with some drama. But Captain Louis Johnson refused rescue for a good 54 hours, choosing to remain on the wrecked ship. Why would he do such a thing?!

The California airship sightings of 1896.



Charlie directs the class in Little Shop of Horrors. Not much hilarity ensues.

Mike Nelson gets a visit from Kay Dalton, a young woman who is intent on learning how to dive. She offers Mike a good deal of money to teach her, and he agrees. Yet it is immediately apparent that she is scared of the sea and its denizens. So why is she so keen?
Despite the silly title, a very good episode.
Lloyd Bridges as Mike Nelson.

Paul is back - he is over for Greg and Lydia's wedding! I love that guy.
Also Lydia tries to convince her ex that they need a divorce, Gabriel meets up with Ruby, and other tearjerking stuff.

Richard repairs a couple of rings, Julie and Amanda (with some help from Steve) get an old pantomime horse wearable again, and Jules does an old guitar.

A rando selection on Plex. Great stuff.


A few songs that came up in the rando mix as I was washing the dishes.

Wishlist Adds

Anasazi World - Dewitt Jones and Linda Cordell

  A photo book with text by Linda Cordell. Brief as the text was, I enjoyed it a lot more than the photography. Though many of the photos we...