Sunday, August 21, 2022

2022.08.21 - Sunday misc crap: a hummingbird, disposition of sleepy cats, etc



Sleepy cats don't give a fuck. An admirable quality.


USA. 1968. 6c. Marquette and Joliet. Scott 1356


The highlight of the day happened around 07:00 when I poked my head out the door. A hummingbird was feeding on the railing flowers. I wasn't quick enough to get a photo, but here is one that shows what the railing garden looks like.
I'll try and keep at least some of the flowers going. Unfortunately when it comes to gardening I don't know what I am doing. But I love seeing the hummingbirds.


Continued their unbeaten start to the season with an exciting 3-3 draw with Man City. Youtube highlights.


Possible Use for Australia’s Ancient Boomerangs Tested []
...a  new experimental study suggests that Australia’s Indigenous communities may have used boomerangs made of hardwoods to shape the edges of stone tools.

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